Throughout your career, it’s vital that you build up and maintain a professional network. A solid network will afford you new opportunities, and you’ll be able to gain valuable insight into your career. For introverts, networking might …
While the decision to take the FE (Fundamentals of Engineering) exam ultimately depends on your personal goals and aspirations, obtaining your FE license can provide numerous benefits and set a strong foundation for your engineering career: professional licensure, industry recognition, …
During a job interview you’ll be tasked with describing past experiences and accomplishments in a way that is not only relevant to the job you’re applying for, but that also highlights your skills and sets you apart …
Job hunting can be exhausting, especially if you’ve applied to numerous jobs and haven’t received a single response. The truth is, finding a great job takes time, so it’s very important that you stay motivated and maintain …
Each year the Washington University Center for Career Engagement surveys undergraduate and graduate students to gather information about summer and/or …